Xbox Xbox 360 was competing for market share against the latest Playstation console and asked me to create a national campaign that would lift sales. During reseach, I found that Xbox 360 had the most games for next gen users, so the idea that you could go more places was born. Tagline: More games. More destinations. A mirco-site was created for gaming ‘travelers’, within the integrated campaign. This campaign was launched online and outdoor in Australia nationally, and saw a lift of 8% market share within the first month.
Killion This project was a site re-design for a mens streetwear fashion brand, Killion. The project included market research and concepting to design and layout.
Mastercard MasterCard’s brief was that they wanted to be seen as the preferred credit card for travel abroad. Their main competitor for this target market was American Express – so the campaign had to cut through and be memorable. I pitched an aspirational travel campaign to help re-position MasterCard, and thus remind customers that the card is accepted globally. The campaign was launched nationally online, as animated banners, and in various major publications.